WATERMELON Conference Newsletter of Green Left Autumn 2022

w a t e r m e l o n Conference Newsletter of Green Left Autumn 2022 Green Left is an anti-capitalist, ecosocialist group within the Green Party of England & Wales. Membership is open to all GPEW members, (see back page for details). All views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily of Green Left. Keith Baker The UK is heading into the greatest cost of living crisis in living memory. Looming energy price rises are going to drive huge swathes of the population into fuel poverty, and none of the proposals being put forward by our political parties at Westminster or in Scotland or Wales are sufficient to deal with it. So, let’s look at what the parties are proposing for households (businesses are also facing a serious threat but politicians have so far largely ignored them). Newly-elected Prime Minister Liz Truss looks set to cap typical household energy bills at £2,500 per year for the next two years but, aside fro...