WATERMELON Conference Newsletter of Green Left Autumn 2023:: online edition
w a t e r m e l o n Conference Newsletter of Green Left Autumn 2023 CAPITALISM KILLS, TIME TO TRANSFORM POLITICS! Karl Marx argued that capitalism kills. recently, it has become clear that Marx correctly concluded that capitalism creates a ‘metabolic rift’ between humans and the natural world: on which our survival depends. Like Cerberus capitalism kills in three main ways, ‘Austerity’ The first of capitalism’s Cerberus-heads is ‘austerity’ – or an inflation-charged ‘Cost of Living’ Crisis. It is a deliberate accumulation of wealth from the 99% to the already grossly-rich 1%. This can be by cuts in welfare and social benefits, and a regressive taxation policy – or by letting prices rip whilst preventing workers from maintaining real wages. A report from University College London, compared trends in mortality before 2010, with the years after. It concluded that, the austerity that the Tories and LibDems had deliberately chosen to impose ...